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例:1900年的数据为 &H4BD8,用二进制表示:
' '根据农历年月日取对应公历日期 类模块 ' (By 漠石 mostone@hotmail.com) ' ' 本类只有一个公用方法: ' Public Function GetDateFromLunar(y As Long, m As Long, d As Long, Optional isLeap As Boolean = False) As Date ' y: 1900 - 2100 200年 ' m: 1 - 12 月份 ' d: 1 - 30,如果是小月,并且传入了30,则返回下一农历月第一天的公历 ' isLeap: 是否为闰月 ' '========================================================================================== ' 注:本模块的数据及代码参照自:http://s.o4u.com/host/blog/calendar/calendar.htm ' 以下为原作者信息: ' *************************************** ' 農曆月曆&世界時間 DHTML 程式 (台灣版) ' *************************************** ' 最後修改: 2009 年 3 月 20 日 ' ' '如果您覺得這個程式不錯,您可以自由轉寄給親朋好友分享。自由使 '用範圍: 學校、學會、公會、公司內部、程式研究、個人網站供人查 '詢使用? ' 'Open Source 不代表放棄著作權,任何形式之引用或轉載前請來信告 '知。如需於「商業或營利」目的中使用此部份之程式碼或資料,需取 '得本人書面授權。 ' '最新版本與更新資訊於 http://sean.o4u.com/ap/calendar/ 公佈 ' ' ' 歡迎來信互相討論研究與指正誤謬 ' 連絡方式:http://sean.o4u.com/contact/ ' Sean Lin(林洵賢) ' 尊重他人創作?請勿刪除或變更此說明 Option Explicit Private compressLunarInfo As Variant Private dateOfLunarYearBegin() As Date Private Const LUNAR_YEAR_START As Long = 1900 Private Const LUNAR_YEAR_END As Long = 2100 Private Const FL_M As Integer = 1 Private Const FL_D As Integer = 31 '#### 根据农历年月日返回公历日期 Public Function GetDateFromLunar(ByVal y As Long, ByVal m As Long, ByVal d As Long, Optional ByVal isLeap As Boolean = False) As Date Dim sum As Long, leapMonth As Integer If y < LUNAR_YEAR_START Or y > LUNAR_YEAR_END Then Err.Raise Number:=6, description:="只接受 " & LUNAR_YEAR_START & " - " & LUNAR_YEAR_END & " 之间的年份" Exit Function End If If m < 1 Or m > 12 Then Err.Raise Number:=7, description:="只接受 1 - 12 之间的月份" Exit Function End If If d < 1 Or d > 30 Then Err.Raise Number:=8, description:="只接受 1 - 30 之间的日期" Exit Function End If If Not isLeap Then sum = GetMultiLunarMonthDays(y, m - 1) + d - 1 Else leapMonth = GetLeapMonth(y) If leapMonth <> m Then Err.Raise Number:=9, description:="不是闰月" Exit Function End If sum = GetMultiLunarMonthDays(y, m) + d - 1 End If GetDateFromLunar = DateAdd("d", sum, dateOfLunarYearBegin(y - LUNAR_YEAR_START)) End Function '#### 类初始化,数据准备 Private Sub Class_Initialize() Dim i As Integer, itemCount As Integer, sum As Long compressLunarInfo = Array( _ &H4BD8&, &H4AE0&, &HA570&, &H54D5&, &HD260&, &HD950&, &H5554&, &H56AF&, &H9AD0&, &H55D2&, _ &H4AE0&, &HA5B6&, &HA4D0&, &HD250&, &HD295&, &HB54F&, &HD6A0&, &HADA2&, &H95B0&, &H4977&, _ &H497F&, &HA4B0&, &HB4B5&, &H6A50&, &H6D40&, &HAB54&, &H2B6F&, &H9570&, &H52F2&, &H4970&, _ &H6566&, &HD4A0&, &HEA50&, &H6A95&, &H5ADF&, &H2B60&, &H86E3&, &H92EF&, &HC8D7&, &HC95F&, _ &HD4A0&, &HD8A6&, &HB55F&, &H56A0&, &HA5B4&, &H25DF&, &H92D0&, &HD2B2&, &HA950&, &HB557&, _ &H6CA0&, &HB550&, &H5355&, &H4DAF&, &HA5B0&, &H4573&, &H52BF&, &HA9A8&, &HE950&, &H6AA0&, _ &HAEA6&, &HAB50&, &H4B60&, &HAAE4&, &HA570&, &H5260&, &HF263&, &HD950&, &H5B57&, &H56A0&, _ &H96D0&, &H4DD5&, &H4AD0&, &HA4D0&, &HD4D4&, &HD250&, &HD558&, &HB540&, &HB6A0&, &H95A6&, _ &H95BF&, &H49B0&, &HA974&, &HA4B0&, &HB27A&, &H6A50&, &H6D40&, &HAF46&, &HAB60&, &H9570&, _ &H4AF5&, &H4970&, &H64B0&, &H74A3&, &HEA50&, &H6B58&, &H5AC0&, &HAB60&, &H96D5&, &H92E0&, _ &HC960&, &HD954&, &HD4A0&, &HDA50&, &H7552&, &H56A0&, &HABB7&, &H25D0&, &H92D0&, &HCAB5&, _ &HA950&, &HB4A0&, &HBAA4&, &HAD50&, &H55D9&, &H4BA0&, &HA5B0&, &H5176&, &H52BF&, &HA930&, _ &H7954&, &H6AA0&, &HAD50&, &H5B52&, &H4B60&, &HA6E6&, &HA4E0&, &HD260&, &HEA65&, &HD530&, _ &H5AA0&, &H76A3&, &H96D0&, &H4AFB&, &H4AD0&, &HA4D0&, &HD0B6&, &HD25F&, &HD520&, &HDD45&, _ &HB5A0&, &H56D0&, &H55B2&, &H49B0&, &HA577&, &HA4B0&, &HAA50&, &HB255&, &H6D2F&, &HADA0&, _ &H4B63&, &H937F&, &H49F8&, &H4970&, &H64B0&, &H68A6&, &HEA5F&, &H6B20&, &HA6C4&, &HAAEF&, _ &H92E0&, &HD2E3&, &HC960&, &HD557&, &HD4A0&, &HDA50&, &H5D55&, &H56A0&, &HA6D0&, &H55D4&, _ &H52D0&, &HA9B8&, &HA950&, &HB4A0&, &HB6A6&, &HAD50&, &H55A0&, &HABA4&, &HA5B0&, &H52B0&, _ &HB273&, &H6930&, &H7337&, &H6AA0&, &HAD50&, &H4B55&, &H4B6F&, &HA570&, &H54E4&, &HD260&, _ &HE968&, &HD520&, &HDAA0&, &H6AA6&, &H56DF&, &H4AE0&, &HA9D4&, &HA4D0&, &HD150&, &HF252&, _ &HD520&) ' 取得各农历年的正月初一的公历日期 itemCount = UBound(compressLunarInfo) ReDim dateOfLunarYearBegin(itemCount) dateOfLunarYearBegin(0) = DateSerial(LUNAR_YEAR_START, FL_M, FL_D) For i = 0 To itemCount - 1 sum = GetMultiLunarMonthDays(i + LUNAR_YEAR_START, 12) dateOfLunarYearBegin(i + 1) = DateAdd("d", sum, dateOfLunarYearBegin(i)) 'Debug.Print (i + LUNAR_YEAR_START + 1) & "年正月初一的公历日期:" & vbTab & dateOfLunarYearBegin(i + 1) Next i End Sub '#### 取得 y 年从农历正月初一到 m 月月底的总天数 Private Function GetMultiLunarMonthDays(y As Long, m As Long) As Long Dim i As Integer, mask As Long, sum As Long, leapMonth As Integer If m < 1 Then GetMultiLunarMonthDays = 0 Exit Function End If mask = CLng(&H8000) * -1 ' &H8000 = -32768 sum = 0 i = 1 ' 各正常月份天数累加 While (i <= m) And (mask > &H8) sum = sum + GetLunarMonthDays(y, mask) mask = mask / 2 i = i + 1 Wend ' 闰月天数累加 leapMonth = GetLeapMonth(y) If leapMonth > 0 And leapMonth < m Then sum = sum + GetLeapDays(y) End If GetMultiLunarMonthDays = sum End Function '#### 返回 y 年指定月份的天数 Private Function GetLunarMonthDays(y As Long, ByVal mask As Long) As Long If (compressLunarInfo(y - LUNAR_YEAR_START) And mask) = mask Then GetLunarMonthDays = 30 Else GetLunarMonthDays = 29 End If End Function '#### 返回 y 年闰月的天数 Private Function GetLeapDays(y As Long) As Long If (compressLunarInfo(y - LUNAR_YEAR_START + 1) And &HF) = &HF Then GetLeapDays = 30 Else GetLeapDays = 29 End If End Function '#### 返回 y 年闰月的月份,1-12,没闰传回 0 Private Function GetLeapMonth(y As Long) As Long Dim leapMonth As Long leapMonth = (compressLunarInfo(y - LUNAR_YEAR_START) And &HF) If leapMonth = &HF Then GetLeapMonth = 0 Else GetLeapMonth = leapMonth End If End Function